Riding a Bike

Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

I don’t remember if it was Christmas or a birthday when I was given a bicycle by my folks. It was a Huffy. It was yellow and blue. The tires were blue. They’d make a blue skid-mark if I locked up the brakes on the sidewalk. It had training wheels.

If I perched one of the training wheels on the bump up from the gutter to the driveway I could pedal without going anywhere. This was simply interesting. Eventually it was time to take off the training wheels. I don’t know where my dad was, but the neighbor, Brother Jones (“brother” being the title of address to fellow members of the LDS church), took the wheels off for me.

I took off riding around the block. On the far side of the block I got cocky. I started swerving back and forth. I couldn’t do that when there were training wheels on the bike. Soon the swerves got too sharp and I fell down. I think one of the Jones boys was riding along with me. He helped me get back on the bike and made sure I got home alright.