The Index Page for

Hi! I'm Nate. This is one of those blogs that get updated quite sporatically and with no particular theme.

But Jeff Atwood told me in a YouTube video to Embrace the Suck and Do It In Public. And then Austin Kleon told me in a book to Show Your Work. Oh, then Casey Neistat taught me that "perfection erases humanity." And then Tom Sachs did that Space Program thing, and I was reminded of an insight that I had a long time ago.

I was turning in a magazine assigment in elementary or middle school. My professional graphic-designer dad had helped me desktop-publish a decent National Geographic parody about mushrooms. I was proud of the work we had done. And I was about to scoff (silently, internally) at the work of a fellow student, when I realized that the reason mine looked so good was because of all the help I had from my dad. The content was all mine, and the National Geographic cover was my idea. But the well-done presentation of which I was proud, was all him. This other student had done all the work himself.

I realized that if I had tried to do the magazine myself, even if I had gotten the National Geographic cover looking good, I would have run out of steam before I finished the magazine. I imagined a 3rd grader's crayon-rendered magazine. If it had a beginning, middle, and end, it would be superior to my "excellent" beginning.

And so, I make an imperfect website.

Some Posts

Django Cont'd

15 May 2020

Back in August, I said I was working on a Django app. Well, I gave up on that one. This one will not provide puzzle-editing functionality. (At least not at first.) It will provide puzzle data in a format that the MAGiE game can read. Then we’ll just need to figure out where to host this thing.


Tape Networks

03 May 2020

Mr. Scrawl finishes grading the assignments and turns to the tape terminal behind his desk.


Participating in the Personal-Website-Verse

28 January 2020

This is why I keep this site at


Mr. Scrawll's Class

03 October 2019

After Mrs. Briggs’s class was Mr. Scrawll’s class.


v4.0 Release

30 September 2019

Version Four Point Oh: Now with ads!


v3.5 is Alive!

13 September 2019

Version three-point-five is alive!


v3.5 Beta

12 September 2019




29 August 2019


While I'm Waiting

28 August 2019

While I wait for Apple to review MAGiE, I’m working on a Django app.


v3.4 RC 5 Release Notes

19 August 2019



v3.0 RC 1 Release Notes

06 August 2019

Here are the beta links

TestFlight for iPhone


v2.2.0 Release Notes

16 July 2019

Hello, Everybody!


Wanna Be Starting Something

13 July 2019

I’ve spent the last several months working full time on my game. (MAGiE - join the beta now with TestFlight on the App Store and on Google Play.) I’ve been working on it in my spare time for years.


Welcome to MAGiE!

11 July 2019

  1. Welcome to MAGiE!


Shopping at the Signal Hut

09 July 2019

Walking in.
